Summative Practice Chapter 12 – Question 2 (Form 5 Biology Textbook Exercise and Answer)

Question 2:(a) Figure 2.1 shows patterns of a few thumbprints. Identify the types of variations for the thumbprint pattern and discuss the factors that cause these variations. (b)(i) State the difference between gene mutation and chromosomal mutation.(b)(ii) Figure 2.2 shows four types of chromosomal mutations K, L, M and N. Based on Figure 2.2, explain … Read more

Summative Practice Chapter 12 – Question 1 (Form 5 Biology Textbook Exercise and Answer)

Question 1:Tables 1.1 and 1.2 show data that were collected for two different characteristics from 35 pupils in Form 5 Bunga Raya. (a)(i) State the types of variation for body mass and types of earlobes.(a)(ii) State two differences between body mass variation and types of earlobes variation. (b) Figure 1.1 shows a karyotype of an … Read more

Formative Practice 12.3 (Form 5 Biology Textbook Exercise and Answer)

Question 1:State the differences between gene mutation and chromosomal mutation. Answer:Gene mutation involves change in nucleotide base sequence in DNA molecule of a chromosome whereas chromosome mutation involves change in structure or number of chromosome. Question 2:Explain briefly the following statement by giving suitable examples: Food can be a source of mutation. Answer:Eating food which … Read more

Formative Practice 12.2 (Form 5 Biology Textbook Exercise and Answer)

Question 1:State the meaning of:(a) Inheritance(b) Characteristic Answer:(a) Inheritance is the transfer of characteristic from parent to progeny or from one generation to the next generation.(b) Characteristic is a physical feature that is inherited or non-inherited. Question 2:Give two examples of inheritable characteristics in humans. Answer:Any two human characteristics: Ability to roll tongue / presence … Read more

Activity 12.3 (Form 5 Biology Textbook Exercise and Answer)

Activity 12.3:AimTo study the level of human tongue sensitivity towards phenylthiocarbamide (PTC) solution HypothesisPTC taste trait can be classified into specific groups. MaterialsDrinking water, PTC paper Procedure1. Rinse your mouth with clean water before starting the activity. 2. Place a piece of PTC paper on your tongue for a few seconds. 3. Record your tongue … Read more

Experiment 12.1 (Form 5 Biology Textbook Exercise and Answer)

Continuous and Discontinuous Variation in Humans:Problem statement: Is the height, body weight and fingerprint of each pupil different? Aim: To study continuous variation and discontinuous variation in humans Hypothesis: Height, body weight and fingerprint of each pupil is different. MaterialsGraph paper, white papers ApparatusHeight measuring equipment, weighing machine, ink pad ProcedureA. Height1. Measure and record … Read more

Formative Practice 12.1 (Form 5 Biology Textbook Exercise and Answer)

Question 1:How can variation increase the survival of species? Answer:An organism in a population that has variation possesses characteristic which is adaptable to the environment compared to other organisms within the same population which do not have the variation. Question 2:Determine the following variations:(a) Intelligence(b) Presence of dimples(c) Type of hair(d) Height(e) Type of earlobes … Read more