Formative Practice 11.3 (Form 4 Biology Textbook Exercise and Answer)

Question 1:
What is the meaning of AIDS?

AIDS is Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome.

Question 2:
Explain how HIV infection can cause someone to suffer from AIDS.

The HIV virus attacks and disables the immune system of the individual infected by the virus. The HIV virus attacks and destroys lymphocytes that function to destroy pathogenic microorganisms.
This may result in the individual contracting AIDS or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. The immune system of the patient becomes so weak that his/her body is unable to fight against diseases that would normally not infect individuals with healthy immune systems.

Question 3:
Why is a person who is infected with HIV, may not necessarily suffer from AIDS?

A person who is infected with HIV can be a carrier without showing any symptoms for a period longer than 10 years. This individual will only develop AIDS if his/her immune system becomes weak and less resistant to diseases that are usually not harmful.
An example of a disease that can prove fatal to an AIDS patient is pneumonia. Thus, someone who is infected by the HIV virus does not necessarily contract AIDS, as long as his/her immune system stays strong and is not crippled by the HIV virus.

Question 4:
How can AIDS be prevented?

AIDS can be prevented by avoiding risky activities such as unprotected sex with infected individuals, sharing contaminated needles used for drug abuse or tattooing, or receiving transfusion of HIV-infected blood.

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