Summative Practice 13 – Question 3 & 4 (Form 5 Biology Textbook Exercise and Answer)

Question 3:Recently, many genetically modified food (GMF) have been produced and are available in the market. As a representative of a non-governmental organisation (NGO), you proposed that GMF should be labelled as shown in Photograph 1 and with its contents printed. Justify your proposal. Answer:Justifications:• Labelling is important to enable consumers to make decision on … Read more

Summative Practice 13 – Question 2 (Form 5 Biology Textbook Exercise and Answer)

Question 2:(a) Discuss the advantages of genetically modified food towards human lives. (b) A bacterial strain can synthesise a protein with a known benefit to humans. Explain briefly how a geneticist can acquire the bacterial gene and mass produce it immediately. (c) Explain why a plant variety which is modified by genetic engineering to tolerate … Read more

Summative Practice 13 – Question 1 (Form 5 Biology Textbook Exercise and Answer)

Question 1:Damage to gen X of the pancreatic cell prevents the production of protein X. This causes blood glucose level to increase and cannot be controlled. However, the genetic engineering technique has enabled large-scale production of protein X by the following steps: (P, Q, R and S are not arranged in the right sequence) (a) … Read more

Formative Practice 13.1 (Form 5 Biology Textbook Exercise and Answer)

Question 1:What is the meaning of genetic engineering? Answer:Genetic engineering is a gene manipulation technique to modify genetic materials of an organism to produce new combinations of gene. Question 2:What is a transgenic organism? Answer: 123 Question 3:State one issue on genetically modified food (GMF) that is often debated. Answer:Effect of GMF on human health.