Formative Practice 7.1 (Form 5 Biology Textbook Exercise and Answer)

Question 1:
Halophytes are plants that live in swamps. Explain two adaptive features of these plants to increase the rate of photosynthesis.

Two adaptive features of halophytes to increase the rate of photosynthesis:
• Halophytes have leaves with thick cuticle to ensure sufficient water content
• The root system that branches widely ensures that hydrophytes remain upright in the muddy soil and ensures the plant gets maximum light intensity.

Question 2:
A group of students studied a tree. Based on their observations for several weeks, the leaves were found to be growing fast on the tree and provide shade to its stem. Additionally, there are thorns on the leaves and stem of the tree. Its roots grow close to the surface of the ground and some of them grow deep into the soil. In your opinion, what type of plant is this? Support your answer with biological facts.

Xerophytes. The leaves grow on top of the tree to provide shade to the stem so that there is lesser water loss through evaporation. Thorns on stems and leaves are as protection so that no animal makes the plants as their food. The roots grow deep into the soil to obtain water supply for life.

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