Explain the early developmental process of the embryo.
The process of early embryonic development
• The zygote divides many times by mitosis.
• The zygote forms a solid ball of cells called morula.
• Morula forms a hollow sphere known as blastocyst.
• Blastocyst then develops into an embryo.
What is the main function of the HCG hormone?
The main function of HCG is to ensure that the corpus luteum continues to function, that is, to produce oestrogen and progesterone in the early stages of pregnancy.
Describe the function of the placenta.
The placenta functions as an endocrine organ that secretes progesterone and oestrogen. It also serves as the site for material exchange between foetus and mother.
State what might happen if maternal blood mixes with foetal blood.
The placenta is formed from the mother’s endometrial tissue and embryonic tissue that allows materials to diffuse across it. If there’s a mixture of foetus’ and mother’s blood, agglutination may occur if the mother’s blood group is different from that of the foetus.