4.2.3 Polysaccharides

  1. Polysaccharides are formed when more than two monosaccharides (usually more than hendreds) combine through condensation. 
  2. Some characteristics of polysacharides are: 
    1. do not dissolve in water 
    2. do not taste sweet 
    3. do not crystallise
  3. Polysaccharides can be hydrolysed by adding acid, boiling and action of enzymes. 
  4. Examples of polysaccharides 
    1. Starch
      storage of carbohydrate in plants. The iodine test is used for confirming the presence of starch
    2. Glycogen
      storage of carbohydrate in animals. Its polysaccharide chains are branched
    3. Cellulose
      structural polysaccharide in plant cells. They are the constituent of the cell walls of plant cells and chitin of animal cuticles. Gives support to plant cells.
  5. Polysaccharides can be broken down into smaller molecules through hydrolysis using dilute acid or enzymes.

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