State the main function of the large intestine.
The main functions of the large intestine are water and vitamin reabsorption, and faeces formation.
What are the substances absorbed in the large intestine?
Water, minerals, the metabolic by-products of bacteria such as vitamin B, K and folic acid.
Explain the importance of water absorption and vitamins in the large intestine.
The significance of water and vitamin absorption:
• The absorption of water in the large intestine helps to form semi-solid faeces. This process enables the body to retain water.
• The absorption of vitamins maintains health.
Explain the formation process of faeces.
Formation of faeces:
• After the absorption of nutrients in the small intestine, the remaining mixture enters the colon.
• The remainder mixture consists of water, undigested food, bacteria, dead cells and cellulose.
• The movement of undigested food is facilitated by peristalsis.
• In the colon, the absorption of mineral salts and water takes place until faeces are formed.