2.2.1a Unicellular Organism – Amoeba sp

General Characteristic

  1. Amoeba sp. have no fixed shape.
  2. Their shape changes as they move.
  3. They have protrusions called pseudopodium used for movement and capturing victims.

(Image by Pearson Scott Foresman shared under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.)


Amoeba sp. live in water.


  1. Amoebas have protrusions called pseudopodium used for movement and capturing victims.
  2. Pseudopodium is an extension of cytoplasm
  3. Video below shows how an amoeba move in water.

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  1. In a favourable environment, Amoebas sp. reproduce through binary fusion.
  2. Binary fusion is a process where the cytoplasm of an amoeba divides and form two daughter.
  3. Under adverse conditions Amoeba sp. reproduce through spore formation.
  4. The spores are protected by cyst walls which resist to heat, cold and dryness.


  1. Amoeba feeds by a process called phagocytosis.
  2. During phagocytosis, amoebas sp engulf a food particle and takes it into its cytoplasm where it forms a food vacuole.
  3. Enzymes are added to digest the food, and the nutrients diffuse through the cytoplasm.

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